Before all the chaos of Covid 19 upended our world, I spent a final month of calm in the sweltering equatorial heat of the Amazon Rainforest. Fishing was unbelievably good this season on the Rio Agua Boa. Low clear water and plenty of trophy peacock bass made for day after day after day of world-class sight fishing. . . and lots of happy clients!
Now home in Eugene, with the new reality of social distancing and the shadow of the virus coloring everything, it’s worth taking a moment to look back at some images from a time that now feels like another lifetime ago. I hope these pictures give you hope for the future and the return to a world where you can just hop on a plane and in a couple of days find yourself waist deep in the jungle cradling the fish of a lifetime. Enjoy!

Thanks to Brookings Anglers Fly Shop’s Matt Canter for letting me poach a couple of his photos again this year (they’re the good ones!). And special thanks to Lance, Carlos, Dan, and all the crew at the Greatest Jungle Fly Fishing Lodge in the world!