Summer Flip-Flops Season is in full swing in the Valley. Warmer weather, cool waters, and good fishing have been the rule over the last couple of months. We’re drifting easily into the hot season to come.
It has been a great time out there. Here’s a look back at some of the best moments. See you on the water!
The Great North American Eclipse of 2024 only gave us a partial display up here in Western Oregon. But fishing through the event led to some eerily dark skies, a notable dearth of birdsongs, and some very good fishing.
Eclipse or not, Spring fishing has been typically moody and dynamic, but overall fun, challenging and engaging. Recent trips have seen plenty of nice wild fish out and on the prowl often providing some good dry fly action here and there.
Rolling right into the warmer months ahead! Fish ON!
As winter loosens its grip, trout activity is on the rise. The first significant hatches of the season are already underway. A recent run of bright sunny weather has us all excited for the warming months to come!
As the trout look up, and we look to the season ahead, here’s a quick look back at some of the great fishing over the last few weeks.
Spring has been in the air off and on over the early weeks of 2024. Daffodils and crocuses are popping up and trees are budding… Just in time for a major cold front and storm to arrive in the next week. Ha!
When the cold rain and snow subside and the rivers come back into shape, fish will be refreshed and we’ll be ready for Spring to work its magic.
Here’s a couple of moments from the last few weeks when the weather and the waters aligned. Happy fishing!
As we close the book on another amazing year of fishing, it’s a great time to reflect on our good fortune. Scott and Matt are truly grateful for the generous support from family, friends, fishing fanatics, and of course the fish. Thanks for sharing in the adventure over all the years. We literally couldn’t do what we do without you.
Now we segue into the holiday season and the promise of a new year of fun and games with water. As we look forward, here’s a quick glance back at the last few weeks of great fishing and good times. Wishing you all the very best for the coming season. Can’t wait to see you on the other side!
Ahhh, Fall is finally here! Cooler shorter days make for a sweet coda to the summer trout season. As we settle into the colder darker months ahead, here is a look back at the last few months of great times and fun fishing. Enjoy!
Summertime, and the living is easy. We’ve been enjoying the flip flops and sun hoody season here on the local waters.
With plenty of action from both wild and hatchery trout, fishing has been super fun. On those days that the rain has cooled things down, the bite has been especially great. Here are some images from the last few weeks. See you on the river!
After years of deferring the invitation from my old friend, Manuel Ramon Doe, I finally decided this was the year to join him for his annual visit to his personal Shangri-La. Never having caught a roosterfish or a dorado, it was time to experience the fabled trophy waters of Baja’s Sea of Cortez for myself.
We had an incredible week, with countless opportunities to connect with the fish of a lifetime. What more could a big-game fly angler ask for? Although I never landed a “Papa Gallo,” there were trophy class fish landed by someone in camp every day of the week. The crew of captains were the A-team of the area fly guides and knew how and when to make the most of every day.
Now as we get back to trout fishing on the local rivers, I’m thankful to Ramone and Gui for their generosity and guidance. My trip was made on the first day to be on the boat as Ramone landed his personal best rooster on his 11th visit to this incredible fishery.
Here are a few images from yet another trip of a lifetime. Let me know if you ever want to knock this one off your bucket list. It’s the real deal.
Special Thanks to Uncle Gary, Ramone, Gui, Glenn U, JB, Harry, Mr B., Thing1 and Thing 2, Paul, Grove, Karen, the lodge crew, and all the guides.
Muchisimas gracias a Leo y Ali para toda la comida excelente y sabrosa!!
It has been a wild few months of weather here in Western Oregon! Between all the snow, hail, rain, sunshine, wind, and occasionally calm perfect conditions, there has been something for everyone who loves being out in the thick of the elements.
Lucky for us, the fish don’t seem to mind the weather and were quite happily feeding and living their best lives as we occasionally interrupted their zen for a photo op. As we slide into the first week of truly warm weather of the calendar year, here’s a look back at a few of of those moments when the elements align and everything seems right with the world.
Volatile weather is always a consideration for winter fishing, with a recent stretch of snowy, icy, rainy, sleety, etc. conditions as a prime example. But in between moments when the roads and rivers clear, we have been enjoying some memorable days on the water. As we look ahead to Spring trout fishing and the joy of the first good hatches of the season, here is a look back at the times when the weather reminded us that this is a great place to live!
As we look to the warming weeks ahead, we are again offering our Spring Special McKenzie Half Day Rate between now and April 20, 2023: $400 for 1-2 Anglers for a 4-5 hour outing during the best time of the day. Please feel free to contact the Dudes for more information and to save your date for some of the best dry fly trout fishing of the season!